"It feels absolutely amazing being lighter having more energy, having lost 6 dress sizes, eating healthy and exercising. I am loving life have never felt this fantastic. " - Naomi
"This is the best experience in my life that I will carry with me. I can't thank Destionation Beauty enough for changing my life." -Naomi's
" I had weight loss surgery with Destination Beauty due to being recommended by a work colleague and had already booked a holiday in South East Asia. It just made sense to go with this excellent company. My experience in the hospital was at the most highest graded hospital have been in. Has great facilities the room, shops, technology and the design. The doctors and nurses are so supportive. They would go above and beyond to make sure I was well looked after. Couldn't recommend the doctors and nurses enough. " Naomi's
" I met a lot of wonderful people who were getting the gastric sleeve and other procedures. We went on shopping trips, zoo, walks and swims. You will meet all kinds of people from different walks of life and you form a bond that is life time." - Naomi's
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