Destination Beauty News

Gastric Sleeve: Blake lost 40.5 kgs in 4 months!

Written by Namwhan | Feb 28, 2020 7:13:38 AM

Blake, a young man from Australia. Having gastric sleeve helps him to become more confident and healthier. He is now 4 months post op and already lost 40.5 kgs!

"My motivation definitely came from not being able to lose weight the natural way with the gym and boot camps. I was attending I felt like I would lose so much and Plato and I couldn’t go any further. It just made me feel more depressed and unhappy with my life at that stage. Not only that I needed to lose so much weight and slim down so I could apply to join the police force back home" - Blake - 

Facts about Blake's gastric sleeve surgery

Start Weight:  147 kgs
Current Weight :106.5 kgs
Lost Weight : 40.5 Kgs 
Surgery date: 31th October 2019
Surgeon : Dr.Narong

Blake's experience having surgery in Thailand

" I choose Destination Beauty because of all the amazing stories and what I have heard about them compared to the surgery In Australia. I saved in between $4,000 to $11,000 from having the surgery done overseas. The quote I received from the Australian surgeon almost made my jaw touch the ground when he handed me the paperwork with the figures of in between $19,000 to $26,000 " - Blake -

"It’s different from my hometown you seem to get more care and support over in Thailand better facilities I may add as well. I have made plenty of friends from going to Thailand and having the sleeve who I still keep in contact with. If someone is seriously considering having the surgery don’t think twice about it. It’s definitely worth it in every way the pros outway the cons with the surgery it definitely is a second chance at life. There are too many people to thank for this trip but to mention. But Chanya was my rep she handle everything I needed for the doctors back home and all the necessary paperwork. " - Blake-

“ To me it seemed very quick everything was in order and healing well on the last check up my wounds had already closed up and the scarring from where the surgery was conducted are very small and very neat even the Australian doctors were impressed and stated how well it has healed.”  - Blake -

Next Steps Towards a Weight Loss Surgery, How Much Does It Cost?

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Read more stories about weight loss surgery in Thailand – Read about Kurt’s gastric sleeve surgery in Thailand.